Denise Nelson

Denise Nelson is a writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio. She has more than 20 years of experience in communications and marketing, working primarily with emerging and established technology companies. Fascinated by the ever-changing tech landscape, Denise specializes in writing articles, case studies, blogs and more that capture the value that technology brings to businesses and consumers. When not working, Denise loves to hike, watch movies, and prepare plant-based cuisine for family and friends.

Latest from Denise Nelson

Dremio CEO fosters growth like a coach – through challenge, teamwork and aiming for the impossible

We recently spoke with the CEOs of companies that participated in the recent AWS Startup Showcase: Innovations With CloudData and CloudOps to find out what drives them and learn about their visions for the future. This is the fifth feature in our CEO Startup Spotlight series. Football has been a lifelong passion for Billy Bosworth, ...

Cordial sweetens data with hyper-personalization: CEO shares startup story

We recently spoke with the CEOs of companies that participated in the recent AWS Startup Showcase: Innovations With CloudData and CloudOps to find out what drives them and learn about their visions for the future. This is the fourth feature in our CEO Startup Spotlight series. The classic movie “Mary Poppins” is what inspired Chief ...

BigID’s big-idea approach to rethinking data management

We recently spoke with the chief executives of companies that participated in the recent AWS Startup Showcase: Innovations With CloudData and CloudOps to find out what drives them and learn about their visions for the future. This is the third in our CEO Startup Spotlight series. A decade ago, businesses weren’t nearly as concerned about ...

Watch live: Collaboration for app innovation will be the hallmark of DockerCon 2021

The app development landscape is complex, with a multitude of microservices, frameworks, languages and architectures at a time when developers are pressured more than ever to build faster. The need for speed and greater developer velocity has been especially important this past pandemic year, when applications became mission critical for businesses and paramount to society ...

Watch live: VeeamON 2021 focuses on making data future-ready

Legacy systems and outdated data protection are considerable obstacles for organizations trying to modernize IT through digital transformation. This lack of resources can greatly hinder DX efforts, according to a recent report from data backup provider Veeam Software Corp. Fifty-eight percent of backups fail, leaving data unprotected according to Veeam’s “Data Protection Report 2021,” which ...

Connecting the dots between digital transformation and the bottom line

We recently spoke with the CEOs of companies that participated in the recent AWS Startup Showcase: Innovations With CloudData and CloudOps to find out what drives them and learn about their visions for the future. This is the second in our CEO Startup Spotlight series. MIT graduates Spenser Skates (pictured) and Curtis Liu were trying ...

Going from code to cloud at DockerCon 2021

Developers today are under more pressure than ever to build apps faster. During the past year, applications became mission critical for businesses and paramount to society for sustaining connectivity, operations, services and more — all accelerating the need for greater developer velocity. The app development landscape, however, is complex with a multitude of microservices, frameworks, ...

Accelerating data protection post-pandemic is central theme at VeeamON event

As organizations implement digital transformation initiatives to enhance customer service, maximize cost savings and modernize business operations, a few roadblocks can get in the way. Legacy IT and outdated data protection capabilities are two of the biggest obstacles. To address these issues, Veeam Software Corp. will host VeeamON, a free online conference that will be ...

Philosopher turned data scientist: Stardog CEO Kendall Clark is shattering data silos

We recently spoke with the CEOs of companies that participated in the recent AWS Startup Showcase: Innovations With CloudData and CloudOps to find out what drives them and learn about their visions for the future. This is the first of many in our CEO Startup Spotlight series. The spark that birthed Stardog came about easy-rider ...

App modernization and management services help secure highly regulated industries

Compliance is still difficult in regulated industries, particularly in the U.S. public sector. Defense and national security agencies want to modernize their apps and find new ways to embrace the cloud and transform the way they deliver services but are challenged with the cumbersome components of security, compliance and operation.  That’s where managed service providers such ...