Victor Dabrinze

Victor is a seasoned writer covering live events with theCUBE, a SiliconAngle Media initiative. As a digital content aficionado and a tech nerd, he has cut his teeth across both sides of the pond. He sees the world as an incredibly diverse, infinite expanse and takes every available chance to learn something new. In his spare time, Victor enjoys outdoor activities such as go-karting, paintballing, and soccer. Got news? Tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from Victor Dabrinze

Advanced real-time data a potential gamechanger as the enterprise goes high-fidelity

Databases are a critical operating component for today’s data-driven enterprises. And as advanced artificial intelligence continues to take hold, it’s adding a whole new set of exciting possibilities to the mix. SingleStore Inc. is leading the charge to propagate a real-time data paradigm catalyzed by AI’s expanding capabilities, according to Raj Verma (pictured, left), chief executive ...

Unpacking the Wipro/Google Cloud alliance: Joint innovation for AI excellence

Wipro Ltd. is a longstanding professional IT services company that has, like other forward-thinking organizations, embraced the transformative wave of artificial intelligence earlier rather than later. One key step in that process is its partnership with Google LLC. Alongside a business unit dedicated solely to the alliance, Wipro now boasts 600 level-3 certified generative AI ...

Navigating today’s cybersecurity landscape: The multimedia perspective

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, where data is the new currency, the constant evolution of technology is raising the stakes. More than ever, it’s become imperative for companies to pay unwavering attention to their threat postures. Visual content is one of the most consumed goods in today’s world and, by its very data-intensive nature, ...

Exploring the SAS Hackathon: Where innovation meets competition

In the world of evolving tech, hackathons are revered as crucibles of innovation, and the SAS Institute Inc. Hackathon stands out as a shining example of this tradition. One standout team in this year’s edition was Notilyze B.V., a SAS partner based in the Netherlands. Working with a cheese factory to optimize their production processes and ...

How is data democratization, cloud modernization and AI helping the financial services sector?

The traditional roles of financial institutions are shifting. Beyond just holding money and disbursing loans, today’s banks have to accommodate new functions, such as creating digitized customer experiences driven by hybrid cloud. One of the prominent themes at this week’s SAS Explore event revolves around SAS Institute Inc.’s billion-dollar investment in advanced analytics solutions. With the ...

AnalystANGLE: Breaking down the talent market for today’s data industry

In the ever-evolving world of data analytics and technology, skillsets are the compass guiding businesses toward success. More often, companies sell ingenuity through ideas, features and virtual products rather than physical goods. It is imperative, therefore, to discuss the intersection between the supply of capable talent and commensurate market demand — in the immediate term ...

The future of AI: Unlocking the benefits of a common semantics layer

Having permeated every aspect of today’s human experience, artificial intelligence is spawning into an industry of its own. But beyond the companies, research organizations and think tanks contributing to AI’s development, the technology needs to cut across a wider audience of ordinary enthusiasts to reach true saturation. Achieving that will require a universal semantics layer, ...

Revolutionizing data security: Baffle’s innovative approach to protecting digital assets

From the C-suite executives down the corporate ladder, cybersecurity and the general enterprise threat surface are top-of-mind concerns. A secure, gapless infrastructure to house the data is usually the popular route that companies take. But, what if acting on the data itself is the missing puzzle piece? That’s where Baffle Inc. comes in with its ...

Supermetrics partnership key as Aiven works to simplify data infrastructures for AI

If artificial intelligence were a tub, the enterprise would be submerged neck deep. Value is now in the hands of those facilitating the expansion of AI capabilities across the board. Founded in 2016 before the AI wave, Aiven Ltd. aims to simplify organizations’ use of open-source data infrastructure technology, especially within the data ecosystem crucial ...

How DataRobot facilitates gen AI’s conscientious application: The Gannett perspective

Artificial intelligence matured with the introduction of generative AI through tools such as ChatGPT and Google Bard. But as exciting as the possibilities are, new-age AI still isn’t perfect. There’s a need for large-scale monitoring and evaluation of the underlying large language models — especially in situations where mistakes can be extremely costly. That’s where ...