Paul Gillin

Paul Gillin is the Senior Editor for Wikibon’s micro-analysis team. He is the author of five books and more than 300 articles on the topic of social media and digital marketing. Gillin has 23 years experience in tech journalism, including his time as founding editor-in-chief of B2B technology publisher TechTarget as well as editor-in-chief and executive editor of the technology weekly Computerworld. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Society for New Communications Research and a member of the Procter & Gamble Digital Advisory Board.

Latest from Paul Gillin

Opinion: Why CIOs should cheer Google’s latest open source move

In 1943, legendary IBM Chairman Thomas Watson Sr. (that’s the dour fellow shown here) is reported to have said “There is a world market for maybe five computers.” Whether Watson actually uttered those words is debated, but the quote was long a lightning rod for ridicule when PCs  were spreading like kudzu. Today, though,  the ...

Americans don’t trust marketers to guard their private data

Amid all the excitement about the revolutionary potential of Big Data, it’s worth remembering that not everyone agrees that micro segmentation and one-to-one marketing are such great things. A pair of new research studies should serve as a warning. A survey of 1,000 U.S. citizens by the German research firm GFK found that nearly two-thirds ...